The SI-ROBOTICS project developed innovative solutions in assistive ICT robotic technologies, demonstrating the ability to support individuals in healthcare services while acting in a socially acceptable manner.

    The project achieved its scientific objective by implementing easily adaptable technological solutions to assist elderly individuals in daily activities and to evaluate the progression of their physical and cognitive decline. This facilitated the identification of specific challenges for early diagnosis, objective assessment, therapy control, and rehabilitation. SI-ROBOTICS introduced innovative concepts and solutions in ICT robotics, where users, IoT devices, AI-powered social robots, and Cloud-connected objects collaborated to create a "cognitive agent." This agent anticipated user needs and provided assistance, monitoring, and coaching solutions.
    On the technological front, SI-ROBOTICS created connected robots capable of assuming increasingly "human" abilities and traits, such as perception, adaptation, learning, manipulation, and interaction. The project implemented advanced behavioral and interaction models, designed to create a positive perception of care and encourage the elderly to participate in their care process.
    SI-ROBOTICS demonstrated the technical feasibility, acceptability, and economic sustainability of its solutions in both nursing homes and domestic environments. The project provided and evaluated new assistance processes for continuous care through a wide range of healthcare services, encompassing different levels and degrees of assistance in home and residential settings.
    The project's outcomes strengthened and promoted the development of innovation, automation, and the robotics community in Southern Italy. This fostered the emergence of potential start-ups, not only in the healthcare sector but also in other fields related to ICT robotic technologies, such as logistics, medicine, and cleaning.

Status: Completed project
Start Date : 01/11/2019
End Date: 31/12/2022


Italian Society of Neural Networks

Professor Anna Esposito from the Becogsys Lab has become the first female president of SIREN, the historically significant and leading Italian organization in the field of neural network research

LINK: Siren Website

IJCNN Workshop


We are thrilled to announce that this year, SIREN will organize a workshop titled AI Applications for "Social Goods" as part of the prestigious International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN 2025)

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